8-1-03    After a short 12 year hiatus, the band is finally back together in all it's glory.  For some unspoken reason Deadlock has become a cover band, and so the famous Deadlock originals are a thing of the past.  The upset fans still beg for the old hits such as Up In Smoke, The Trance, and The  Party Song.  But they beg in vain...

12-1-03    Deadlock's fan base is growing fast.  Rumor has it that certain fans have been known to sneak around the garage trying to catch a few earfuls while deadlock is practicing.

1-09-04    Deadlock has been toying with the idea of reviving some of its original songs.  It seems as though this idea is about to become reality in the near future.

1-28-04    The horrible weather, Chris' busy schedule, and our overall lack of talent has been taking its toll on Deadlock lately.  Hopefully as things we get better soon...

2-22-04    Deadlock is back!  A rather successful practice has raised everyone's spirits.  The band's new practice schedule seems to be working out, and all members were present.  Deadlock should be ready to start touring soon.

4-03-04    Deadlock has been working on some originals, and spirits are high.   Deadlock might be appearing at an 'Open Mic' night near you, so watch for us!

5-05-04    Deadlock comes out of the garage for Cinco De Mayo!  Deadlock made it's first appearance at Dudley's in New Rochelle and the fans went wild (kind of)

6-16-04   Deadlock finally gets a nice "studio-like" setup courtesy of Chris.  Check out our Tour Dates page often, summer is finally here!

6-30-04   Yet another appearance at Dudley's.  If you listen carefully in the wind, you can still hear the fan chanting "Deadlock... Deadlock..."  :)

7-22-04   Deadlock's debut at The Eastchester Inn was a total success THANKS TO ALL THE FANS!!!

8-14-04   Deadlock did a few songs at Sweet Caroline's and the few people that were there enjoyed themselves. 

9-29-04   Unfortunately Deadlock is now one member down.  Due to fundamental differences on the direction in which Deadlock is headed, Chris has resigned.  His hectic schedule is just too much for Deadlock's aspirations.  We will miss him.

11-1-04   We are finally buying some new equipment, after years of the same ol' stuff.  For guitar Al, purchased a Line 6 / Spider II amp  To give Tom's bass a little more punch he now has a Hartke 410 cabinet.  Click here for a pic.

11-10-04  Check out Deadlock's new DOWNLOADS page...   Plus, bumper stickers and Tee-Shirts on the way. 

10-06-06  After another unproductive summer (musically speaking) Deadlock is finally getting their act together.  Welcome Jason our guitarist extraordinaire, and Mark who will hopefully decide to stick around for a while on vocals!  Deadlock will once again be part of the Westchester music scene very soon!


Stay tuned for more news to come.